Friday, 23 September 2016

Mostly disappointments and life goes on...(thankfully)

23rd September, 2016:

Met Dr S. She felt that N is too frail to receive chemotherapy. My mother is relieved as she feels that N's recent treatment regimen has been nothing but exploitative on the part of her doctors. She, with reason, is disgusted with the lack of information and the patronising attitude of N's primary surgeon.

While I don't think Dr P misled us, I have maintained at all times that his team has been unprofessional and at times ignorant. Indeed, I have called them out on it. This is particularly true for Drs C, U, S2 and P2 who have withheld information, not responded to calls and have been downright rude while having only a school child's knowledge of science.  When someone does not know that negative pressure creates a vacuum, (while they casually do "negative pressure wound therapy" dressings), it should raise red flags. I sometimes wonder why there is no core science curriculum for clinicians in India after high school. Patronising someone is irritating enough. Being patronising when one is a complete and utter idiot is disgusting. I am unsurprised by the statistic that 60% of Indian doctors fail to get a licence in the UK. Most are rote monarchs produced by a flawed education system. The better ones go abroad.

To be fair, there were a few excellent ones as well, Dr V was brilliant, and Dr I was not bad. Our GP, Dr RP is brilliant and a true asset to the profession.

Anyway I digress -- physician stupidity (and I have been unfortunate to be subjected to a lot of it), always causes me to rant. Dr S felt N is frail, and my mother, disgusted with doctors, hospitals and health "care" did not think that not undergoing chemotherapy was something to be sad about. She does not see the point in prolonging N's life with torture and I find it hard to argue the point.

I was however, hopeful of immunotherapy. Unfortunately Roche India's reply came in and they stated that they had no permission to market the drug in India, so I am stuck with an unaffordable treatment option. I will try writing to Roche in Switzerland but I am not particularly hopeful. If there seems to be any headway, I will arrange to have N's PDL1 expression undertaken.

A Vaidya came for a home visit as well. I asked the Viadya for the formulation. He listed a total of 11 constituents of which two bhasmas contain mercury, so we haven't given them to N. If the accumulation time is slow, I may go ahead with them anyway, there isn't much to lose at this point, and the effects would perhaps have been apparent only years later. Years that she obviously doesn't have. Even so we have refrained. Besides, my mother felt he was grasping as he had brought pre-prepared medicines (before even seeing N), for which he charged Rs 5000, though it is a small sum compared to biologicals that are available in the Indian market (Rs 75000 for a breast cancer drug by Roche). Admittedly, I feel that there are better formulations available, and better Vaidyas too. I intend to Skype with one in a couple of days. The other wants to see N personally before prescribing or diagnosing.

24th September, 2016:

The nurse almost overdosed N with painkillers. Gave her an ultracet over the two 25 microgram fentanyl patches applied. N's complaints of pain need to be monitored exceedingly closely, as many complaints stem from irritation rather than pain (as was the case today). Removed one patch. So far so good, though drowsy. Mouth is dry, but no respiratory distress or anything nasty. Observed her for about an hour. The nurse in the next shift is much more competent, thankfully.

Had intended to go to meet a very respected Vaidya today, but my mother (and N) shot down the idea. Considering the fact that N seemed drugged to her eyeballs, I agreed. Will try to persuade them to meet the Vaidya another day.

Also, changed the vacuum dressing at home (called a technician). He did a much better job than the surgeon (as the technician had the last time, as well). The wound is very clean and has closed considerably. It should be fully closed in five to ten days' time.

It is pouring outside, and there was a bit of a scare. A wire started sparking. The electrical source was identified and shut down and the electricity suppliers called on the phone. The latter put us on hold for about half an hour. Happily we had resolved the situation (by identifying and shutting down the supply) by the time they put the call through. Absolutely useless!

We are still alive and have a roof over our heads as I write this. Hopefully tomorrow will be less eventful.

* I will list the formulation given by the Vaidya in this blog. later, along side their constituents and potential activity. I have undertaken the exercise and have it on paper.

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